Connect With Top Technology Decision Makers

SIM members collectively have decision making authority and influence over $ hundreds of billions in annual technology spending and oversee the work of hundreds of thousands of technology professionals around the world. We are continuously looking for products and services that will help our organizations thrive in a highly competitive and dynamic environment. By sponsoring SIM New York Metro, you will become a valued and welcomed member of our community, providing you with ample opportunities to develop mutually beneficial relationships with our members.

Join Our Family

Our sponsorship packages include a wide variety of opportunities for you to meet other community members and to build lasting, authentic relationships.

Attend the networking events and programs that we produce for our community

Volunteer for our Outreach Programs, where we work together to inspire the next generation

Contribute your expertise by joining the committees that run our community

Support Our Community

The more actively involved you are in supporting our community, the more opportunities you will have to connect with other members.

Sponsor our regular programs and events

Co-create bespoke programs that highlight your company’s unique strengths

Offer exclusive services and promotions that our members will value

Help grow our membership with complimentary event passes and memberships to give to your best clients

Be Recognized for Your Support

We love our sponsors and will make sure that you feel it! In addition to the organic visibility that you will gain from being more actively involved in our community, we will express our gratitude for your support at every opportunity.

Recognition on our marketing channels (e.g. website, email newsletter, social media, etc.)

Recognition at our events

Personal introductions to our members

Invest in Your Executive Relationships

As a SIM New York Metro sponsor, you'll become a member of our community and have myriad opportunities to build relationships with top technology decision makers in the area. We have a wide variety of sponsorship packages to fit your needs and budget.

Enterprise Sponsorship

Choose from our sponsorship packages to showcase your brand and connect with industry decision-makers.

Community Sponsorship

If your organization is another community of business and technology leaders, we would be happy to partner with you to grow and enrich both organizations.

Emerging Company Sponsorship

If you are an early stage company that wants access to technology leaders in your target market, we have sponsorship packages that align our interests at prices that you can afford.